
Short &gt

Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas, the world's largest ski competition "TOYOTA BIG AIR" live recording of act decision
February 23rd (soil), 24 days (day) Sapporo dome at the world's largest ski jump straight < TOYOTA BIG AIR > Fear, and, Loathing in Las Vegas act show live recording of it was published.

< TOYOTA BIG AIR >, is one of the world's top riders gathered together, the line length of 125 meters, 36 meters high flying jump table for competition skills of the world's largest ski jump straight.A moment of competitive outcome, there are a lot of tourists rest or drink first last year, the Sapporo arena held for the first time, 2 days past the top 30000 6000 people mobilization.

in 2013 this year, soaring music atmosphere in the implementation of the LIVE two.Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas 23 (soil), MAN WITH A task performance.In addition to the very next day 24 (day), flumpool and SKE48 (published in the public assembly members is HP in heat), further enhance the audience.

Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas, singing and dancing, called in the one and only the RA DoCoMo, dance, LIVE and word-of-mouth popularity has soared.The heat now floor, let's not get tickets for the band attention.At the end of last year at the Higashi Sakamoto travel, the band viewers can but do so remain free dance crazily, hybrid venue instant chaos bass heard, social Noyes, you sound and laser.To follow up a victory with hot pursuit and published on the MC Zepp tour, Higashi Sakamoto inform the floor emotional climax.Evolutionary go down, their 2013 opening soon finished the inevitable now tour don't miss.

< Short > Tour 2013
3 / 19 (Tue) Zepp Tokyo OPEN 18 / START 19: 00: 00
3 / 21 (Thu) Zepp Nagoya OPEN 18 / START 19: 00: 00
3 / 23 (SAT) Zepp Namba OPEN 17 / START 18: 30: 30
the plenary session on the field 3.000 (· standing / 2F tax 1F designated · 1 drinks another)
guest bands
the official HP first receptionDuring the
1: 1 / 15 (fire) 12: 00 ~ 1 / 21 (18 months): 00
2: 1 / 24 (wood) 12: 00 ~ 1 / 31 (wood) 18: 00
the reception URL

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13 years old

Mirror cake, flu concert absent from H!P fourth
idol group Berryz workshop "Mirror Cake" Tsugunaga Momoko (20) because of the new flu, in concert with new offerings, absent 12 days in official web site.

published yesterday...S / mileage and field & Sheng Tian influenza concert absent

a Siyong in hospital the examination result from high fever yesterday, was diagnosed with influenza.With this, 12, 13, two days, held in Tokyo, wild park "Hello!The 15 anniversary of the birth of memorial concert 2013 winter ", in Kanagawa on 14 · new" club team Kawasaki school held Berryz studio WANT!"The release of commemorative activities absent.

also infected with novel influenza S / mileage and the color of flowers (18) and Katsuda Rina (14), from the end of last year heat recuperation morning musume.Misaki Sato Yuki (13 years old) left neck lymph node inflammation diagnosed, H!P 15 anniversary concert absent fourth.Related articles] [morning musume.Misaki Sato Yuki, left neck lymph node inflammation was absent, "Mirror Cake" on Berryz studio solo emission period and, influenza activity was absent bass rattan Xiao (13 years 01 months 09 days) SUPER GiRLS, collective flu activity stops (12 years 04 months 18 days), Tanaka Yoshioka AKB "I have to limit the best idol" mirror "cake" (12 years 08 months 06 days)
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and Vinh phuc

Using GIRL NEXT (band) released thousands of yarn, engagement published debut..."Money" "comfortable" sing
swimming medal Kosuke Kitajima (30) published the engagement and lead singer 3 combinations of girl next door, thousands of yarn (27) 13, held in Chiba, Makuhari International Conference Center "Tokyo Auto Salon held 2013" mini.Engagement published since the last New Year's Eve, the first time in public debut.

[Photos] bold mini skirt thigh very pretty and charming posture...The charm of the fans, and Vinh phuc, thousands of yarn

thousands of yarn, Kitajima's "wife"?Necklace, earring ornaments ornaments are golden dress.Happy smile full, debut song "accidental probability" 4 song "chocolate, comfortable feeling, passion for singing.".

left from the lineup reports "happy" marriage, nods, can call "answer Thank you.".

Kitajima is 04 years and 08 years in Athens Olympic Games in Beijing, a total of 4 gold medals.

thousands of yarn and Kitajima, 2010 Autumn acquaintance introduced, the London Olympic Games before July Kitajima to marry him.Households this year in a predetermined.11 Kitajima stayed home from Hawaii, no special comments.Related articles [] by GIRL NEXT (band) released thousands of yarn, Hanshin machine 3 novice "warmly invited" by GIRL NEXT (band) released thousands of yarn, the live recording of the complete prohibition face...2 sexy "facelift" be entranced also quietly nurtured love...Thousands of yarn birthday concert to Kitajima to Kitajima saying "chocolate." the NHK announcer, Kitajima by GIRL NEXT (band) released Ishikawa died, Kosuke Tokyo Auto Salon survey
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the 2010 issue of the combination is named after the debut album sales in the USA 1440000 Zhang

The country has three groups of rapidly rising, in April the new album released new single "science, data control, at the simple groupThe village, three person of groups
list of rapidly rising, number, division, I-mode, laboratory for Tuesday (January 10th), the second album title will be released in April 2nd.

"science, data control, at the simple group" is the band's most powerful single, now fourth of the United States of America course "Rural Song" map has 10 weeks to get.In addition, they are social and rehabilitation center, Wisconsin, tour held the United States in the Midwest, further new things and think.

the 2010 issue of the combination is named after the debut album sales in the USA 1440000 Zhang (Nelson sound scanning) top country albums chart second "record.Kimberley, Reed, Neal · Perry asked the group, began striking excellent.

number, division, I-mode, rehabilitation group is "hot · country song" list, No.1 pop song "paddle, hot springs, and many aspects of life" popular ", once,,,,,,, Nadon control", including 5 singles TOP10 entered.In addition, "the development, the museum, the" comprehensive chart, to become the United States rank "Hot 100" Top 14, becoming the 4400000 downloads.Digital Song village is the ancient third sales.[] Association reported elasticity number, division, I-mode, laboratory for sudden success, without this review with the & should long; Sonic house I-mode RA inertial published glamor 5 departments elected black - for, produce the new album began poncho Feixin single letters began with development, and harmed I-mode & the article, is the electric guitar and synthesized using!?
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Showa 33

Mori Masako, Audrey, love call
singer Mori Masako (54) king record transfer the first single "life" propaganda, to Tokyo, Otemachi Sankei Sports access.The target for this year is "love get" slogan.The song

about forest is "time limited life, I actively alive." love song".Sing at the concert, from Prelude sounded, I heard "beat and realistic everyone connected with the feeling.".

forest is 1958 (Showa 33) was born in October 13th.On 2013 this year, "3 is my lucky number.Son three people has also become a social person, this year to meet "desire.The ideal type of actor, Ken Takakura (81) lists, "Audrey recently spring (Jun Chang) are excellent.Compared with TV impression, feeling very serious people do ", immediately call to send.[] Association reported Izakaya day manager · Mori Masako, uniform figure debut sailor suit figure Mori Masako, 3000 people boiling up!Cosplay Mori Masako's topic, the next AKB costume!?18 years old song ji!Salt, valley early and incense, comic heartbeat 21 debut spring sand son Haruki, for literature "baptism"
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[information for future part third

[information for future part third (3)] voice search advertising model changed. ""
before the press "have what thing?".High feature phone, intelligent mobile phone screen "sheep deacon king" of the role.Yokohama mail order company, Mr. Bayashi Arisa (31) recently, NTT DoCoMo voice recognition function according to the "speak Kun shell" tried to use."Want to see the movie" and other words and artificial intelligence intention understanding, the most suitable to answer that."Hands up does not matter, very convenient.However, tuna hall to accost, tram or shy "in March this year since the start of the service, in the application program (software) with the letter number is 4000000, with 100000000 7 ten million times.The same March, American Apple Corp in the iPhone last October begins similar function "Siri (Series)" in Japanese, can also be used, wide electronic space "voice" retrieval times formal done.Kraken shell also series, artificial intelligent drive, according to the probability theory the most suitable answer "all at once" is derived.Now the United States Google search service of regnant, what also continued the search results page advertisement display traditional business model, its meaning lost blame appear with.(Facebook. COM / johonomirai: Twitter. COM / johonomirai) < page 123 page >
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1月9日(水)、都内で行われるマスコミ向け記者会見とジャパンプレミアに参加する予定のトム・クルーズ。2013年、一番最初に映画のPRで日本の地を踏むハリウッドスターとなり、来日は『ミッション:インポッシブル ゴースト・プロトコル』(11)以来、約1年ぶりだ。前回の来日の際には、27時間の滞在時間で日本のファンに時間いっぱいサービスしてくれたトムは、今回どんなプロモーションスケジュールで日本を沸かせてくれるのか期待したい。【Movie Walker】【関連記事】 「アウトロー」の作品情報を見る (MovieWalker) トム・クルーズ、ガンの恐怖におののく (MovieWalker) トム・クルーズ主演『OBLIVION』の邦題決定&特報第一弾を公開! (MovieWalker) トム・クルーズ来日決定!新作『アウトロー』を引っさげ2013年1月にやって来る! (MovieWalker) 『アウトロー』予告編公開!原作者リー・チャイルド「キャスティングも見事だ」 (MovieWalker)
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